Who I Am

After 7 years of creating and sewing cloth incontinence patterns for adults and big kids on Etsy, I'm so excited to offer my first collection of patterns!

Hi, I'm Alecia, and I began my Etsy store in 2015. Initially, I sewed pull ups and training pants for toddlers, but I began to receive requests for my products in adult sizes. I realized there was a huge void of cloth options available for adults looking to manage their incontinence in an affordable, earth friendly way. 

Over the years, I've created dozens of patterns for my customers and with their feedback, have been able to find the balance between fit and function. There aren't a lot of options on the market for adult cloth incontinence sewing patterns and I want to share those patterns I've created over the years with you. 

The fitted and the overnight are two of my most longstanding and popular adult cloth diapers. The preflat, contour and pull on are relatively new, but like the fitted and overnight, they offer heavy duty protection.

I aim to show others how easy and enjoyable making your own incontinence undergarment can be, whether it's for yourself or for someone you love. As a former caretaker and professional sewer, I take great pride in the products and service I provide to my customers. Even if you're just looking for more information about how to use cloth incontinence products, I've got you covered in my blog. And feel free to join my VIP Pattern Group!


